Joel Rumson

Joel Rumson

Leaving A Mark on UNB

How do students leave their mark on UNB? Academic accolades and community involvement often come to mind, but graffiti has proven to have a lasting impact as well. 

“Business as Usual” Students on Returning to Campus Full Time

Excitement and inconsistency are the two main themes expressed by students returning to campus full-time after a tumultuous two years navigating COVID-19. The Brunswickan sat down with several students from different faculties and departments to get a finger on the pulse of the student body and how they feel about returning to campus full-time after two years of hybrid learning and alternative delivery. 

Why the Harriet Irving Needs a Library Cat

Ladies, gentlemen, and those beyond a binary, do I have a proposition for you– picture it: you’re sitting at the Harriet Irving Library, pouring your heart and soul into a final essay. Exams are creeping up on you, and the…

Ode to the Indie Sad Boi

To you, the local Indie sad boi: How could I forget that day, when the sun was shining bright outside and you were standing in the shade of a random tree wearing your skinny ripped jeans, earphones in and nodding…