The Brunswickan

The Brunswickan

See Jane Run Organization Expanding Provincially

See Jane Run is a grassroots organization co-founded by Rothesay Councillor Tiffany Mackay French, Grand Bay-Westfield mayor Brittany Merrifield, and former election campaign communications director Katie Bowden. The organization was founded in early 2021 and aims to encourage women and…

Student Union Turnover – A Challenging Year

The Student Union has seen turnover in a number of roles during the school year so far.  On the executive team, there has been turnover in four Vice President positions. The VPs of Advocacy, Internal, Communications, and Finance have all…

The Cost of Living with Diabetes

Dr. Neeru Gupta, UNB associate professor of Sociology, and pharmacist Ayub Chishti, at the campus pharmacy, recently spoke to The Brunswickan about the emotional, physical, and financial costs of living with diabetes. “Diabetes is one word but it’s actually multiple…

No Justice for the Family of Chantel Moore

Chantel Moore, 26, was an Indigenous woman from Tla-o-qui-aht First Nation in British Columbia. She had moved to Edmundston, New Brunswick, to be near her mother and then six-year-old daughter. Moore was killed at the hands of police during a…

Freedom of Information is Being Eroded, Critics Say

Recently proposed changes to the Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act have been cause for concern for critics.  The Act is used by journalists, the Ombudsman, opposition parties, and other citizens to request information from the government.  The…