Beer, Balls, and Bogeys: A Review of Par-94 Golf Bar
By Emu Devine For readers of The Brunswickan of drinking age, your local campus newspaper is excited to provide you with some of the most pertinent, insightful reporting anywhere in Fredericton. This reporter comes to you with a review of…

Universal Basic Income: The Canadian Economies Lifeline?
Canada is struggling when it comes to the subject of financial success for the citizens. In 2021, bills S-233 and C-223 were introduced in Parliament, recently passing their second reading in April. The purpose of these bills is to provide…

The Saga of the SUB: The History of the Student Union Building
In the heart of the University of New Brunswick’s Fredericton campus, the Student Union Building (SUB) stands as a testament to the spirit of students who dared to dream. In the early 1960s, when the idea of a new building…

The Nutcracker: A Christmas Classic Dances into Fredericton
‘Tis the season to dance and sing as jingle bells jingle and silver bells ring. With snow that falls like a blanket to the ground, you notice there’s nothing but smiles to be found. As warm fires flicker and chestnuts…

The NBCCD Craft Sale: Showcasing Some of Fredericton’s Up and Coming Designers
The New Brunswick College of Craft and Design (NBCCD) held its annual craft sale between the 17th and the 19th of November. The event, which took place at The George Fry Gallery, is a unique opportunity for students to showcase…

Two Kennedys, Two Convocations: Exploring the Ties between the University of New Brunswick and the Kennedy Brothers
Graduation is a special moment for students: it is when one’s cycle of learning closes, even if temporarily. It is a moment of celebration. What could make it more special? Perhaps the presence of a presidential candidate for the upcoming…

Fast Filmmaking in 48 Hours: The New Brunswick 48 Hour Film Competition
What can you do in 48 hours? For some filmmakers in Fredericton, the answer is: make a short film from scratch. The New Brunswick 48 Hour Film Competition started in 2007 and has since become a staple in Fredericton. The…

Exploring the Cinematic Tapestry of Campus Life: A Survey of Movies Shown on Campus
In the heart of the academic hub at UNB, an engaging reel of films unfold every week drawing both cinephiles and curious minds alike. The Monday Night Film Series, orchestrated by the New Brunswick Filmmakers’ Co-operative, has been a cinematic…

Fest Forward 2023 – Where Music Meets Magic
Festival season isn’t over yet. One event music lovers in New Brunswick can’t afford to miss is Fest Forward. Formerly known as the New Brunswick Musician Emerge festival, Fest Forward has been making waves since its inception in 2013. “The…