1882 to 2018: The Brunswickan through the years

The African Student Association (ASU): “Are we being singled out here?”
2000 — The Brunswickan, University of New Brunswick (from the filing cabinets). The African Students Union (ASU) at the University of New Brunswick was no stranger to organizing events. Like many student groups today, they relied on The Brunswickan to…

UNB: Unavailable Parking and the Missing Motivation to learn
By: Joel Rumson As students begin returning to campus, it is the epitome of the university. The packing of personal belongings, assisting in the realization of what is and what isn’t needed on the new path that is university. You…

UNB: Signaling Towards a Smoke-Free Campus
By Joel Rumson Smoking on UNB Campus has gone up in smoke, but why? Where once UNB smokers stood puffing their stresses away, now are nowhere to be seen, and, more stressed than ever. With New Brunswick having some of…

The UNB Professors Strike Of 2014

16 Days of Gender Based Violence – or 365?
Joel Rumson The University of New Brunswick (UNB) acknowledged the 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence, a global campaign that ran from Nov. 25 to Dec. 10. Beginning on the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women,…

Time? For Free? In This Economy?
By Alex Prong As the first semester of the school year wraps up, many students are beginning to think about what they might do over the winter break with something they haven’t had for months: free time. In a techno-culture…

University of New Brunswick’s Woodsmen Team

We’re Here (On Campus) & We’re Queer (On Campus!): A Profile on The 203 Centre
By Alex Prong, Features Editor “Before The 203 was established, there was a lack of resources for queer students, a lack of out faculty and staff, and no brick-and-mortar spaces for queer people at UNB, STU, and NBCC” – A…