Ottawa Convoy Problems Could Come to Fredericton

The “Freedom Convoy” is well into its third week in Ottawa.  The convoy has brought chaos and gridlock to the city. Now, counter-protestors arrive and are demanding that the convoy leave, going so far as to block the convoy’s route…

Looking Back at Militant Labour in New Brunswick

The mid-1970s began a wave of labour-related protests in New Brunswick.  1976 saw union members gridlock the streets of Saint John in protest against wage controls introduced by Pierre Elliott Trudeau’s anti-inflation legislation. The legislation introduced wage controls which limited…

Equality Apparel

“Equality is clothing with a purpose,” say the co-founders of Equality Apparel, a local Moncton brand run by two sisters named Ashley and Emily. “We create aspirational clothing that has a purpose to promote equality for all.” If you’re like…

Bio-Psych Finally A Go

The Bio-Psych program will be introduced, “forthwith,” says Professor Nicole O’Byrne.  O’Byrne is a professor of law at the UNB Faculty of Law, was the MP candidate for the Green Party in Fredericton, and has been pushing for the biopsych…