A word from Tilley Hall suggests that Keenan has a twin brother; nothing outrageous… if his twin brother were not a cat named Gomez.
“The Last few years have put us in a place which we haven't been before, just now the people are just starting to come back into the Arena. So COVID really has really impacted us.”
The creation of SPECTRAL displays UNB’s desire to innovate in aerospace technology and incentivize the growth of local businesses.
The constant movement through time, space, and genre kept the hour-and-a-half performance engaging and entertaining until the last performer recited their carefully practiced words.
After two trying years under COVID-19, the New Brunswick Filmmaker's Co-op has restarted its Monday Night Film Series, which is set to continue into the Winter 2023 semester.
This year UNB has chosen to honour a lesser-known part of Fredericton’s past—FIRE!