Crystal Keyamo
The snow’s taking forever to peace out,
like that one friend who won’t leave the party.
Campus looks less like the North Pole now—
maybe I’ll actually make it to class on time.
No more Olympic-level skating
down King Street to grab coffee,
or wearing three pairs of socks
just to feel my toes. Sweet freedom.
Can’t wait for the Night Market
when the whole city comes alive
and I can pretend I’m cultured
while mostly just eating street food.
Summer means no more watching
freshmen wipe out on the hill to UNB
(okay, fine, that was me like six times,
but who’s keeping count?)
Soon we’ll be chilling in Officers’ Square,
pretending to understand jazz,
while secretly scrolling TikTok
and planning midnight Tims runs.
Three blessed months
of not having to explain to my friends out west
why Freddy Beach isn’t actually a beach—
but hey, we’ve got the river, right?
Sure, summer here is shorter
than my attention span during finals,
but after surviving another winter,
we’ve earned every single second.