Volume 158, Edition 3: Sex Edition

Letter from the Editor,
Joel Rumson
Joel Rumson, Editor in Chief here, dick in one hand, typing with the other.
Some of us have had too much, some, too little…
Others, have none at all.
Or — like some of the older professors – wish you could have more.
It all started when Mommy and Daddy loved each other very much… so much that one day they decided to…
Oh wait. Sorry. We already know that part of the story.
If homed or homeless, a student or professor, grandma or even grandpa, you’re likely to have had sex once or twice… or, at the very least, heard tell.
It is how you came to be after all.
I hope as you read this magazine you reflect on what sex means to you, as I have myself.
Sex is a difficult thing. Sometimes it is spectacular, other times, you definitely could have gone without.
Looking back, I can remember all of the above.
From when I used my first condom… to when I later broke my first condom…
As you read through this magazine, find yourself brought back to these times; the good, the funny, the really weird, and maybe even those times you kind of just wanted to teleport away to a different planet.
Because this is…
The Brunswickan’s Sex Edition.
Letter from the Business Manager,
Alicia Lowe
We’re talking about sex today. The thing we all think about but pretend we don’t (except for that one random acquaintance who really just overshares). In this year’s Brunswickan Sex Edition, we dive into all the sultry, spicy, and slightly awkward details. But before that I think it’s important to talk about one of the most important aspects of good bedroom behaviour: self-confidence.
These days it’s hard to really feel comfortable in your body when no matter where you look online there’s perfectly filtered abs, impossibly smooth skin, and unrealistic body standards. This cycle of self doubt and being over critical of yourself isn’t an individual experience, it’s something everyone goes through, and it’s a lot.
Here’s the truth, being confident isn’t about the angles, filters, or ungodly intricate poses in order to “get your good side.” It comes down to owning what you got, whether it’s a dad bod, defined muscles, or the ability to randomly recite a meme audio clip from 2016 mid-makeout. Getting personal with yourself, with others, or whatever way suits your needs, it really comes down to how you feel in your own skin. Sexy isn’t about this golden standard 10, it’s about being comfortable with yourself and knowing you deserve pleasure in every aspect.
So say fuck it to the comparison game and embrace what truly makes you make. Nothing kills the mood faster than self doubt. (Or you know that unannounced visit from your family member right as you’re getting into it).
Dive into this edition, there’s nothing quite like the pleasure of a Brunswick print.
Alicia Lowe
Joel Rumson