From Joel Rumson, Editor In Chief
The previous years (2020-2024) have not treated the Brunswickan well. We have been struck with every problem known, from banking issues, to simple things such as stories being left out of the magazine. Oh, and Covid took us, chewed us up like a rabid dog, and spit us out. It walked away, leaving the Brunswickan as nothing more than a shell of what it once was.
All that being said, this year, we must do better. We will do more than just keep the Brunswickan afloat; we will strive for excellence. We will do this for those who came before.
Whether it be your work, or simply your presence on campus, excel at what you do and extend the boundaries of your mind by exploring and immersing yourself in the world and its actors around you.
Let that damn barking dog annoy you. Feel the wind at the mountain’s summit! Ace that test you weren’t sure about. Let the anger from trying to park on this hellish campus burn inside you. Mourn the moments of discouragement and gloom when you fail, and share them with loved ones who care.
This immersive experience I have painted for you, is called life.
This year, we will each, carry an exceptional hunger to learn, and to better the lives of those around us – not just in journalism or writing. When you can, help someone find their class, offer a listening ear to a student or friend who is feeling down, share notes to those that miss.
In these fast-passing instances, strive to become a part of someone else’s life.
These lessons we include ourselves in (be it by choice or not) can be upsetting, depressing, discouraging, and outright frustrating, but we cannot let that stop us from learning from them, and using them to better our perspective on life and work.
I ask you to consider your life experiences, your passion for learning, and your hunger for excellence, and to apply them in every interaction you are involved in. Wherever you may find yourself, let what you’ve learned guide your approach in everything you do.
When you interact with others, keep these lessons in mind, and use them to form true and meaningful connections with those who make up our lives.
As you reflect on these experiences, remember – you are not just navigating life’s stories; You are learning to truly encompass them.
Because when it is all said and done, if you had truly listened to that barking dog, maybe, just maybe, would you have realized – all he wanted was a treat.

Letter to team, September 2024.
Even when we feel like we failed, if our team trusts, looks up to, and are proud of who we are as their leader, nothing else matters. But, I still am learning that last part.