There were few things that caused such uproar and tension in 2020 as the implementation of mandatory mask policies. None of the uproar over having to wear masks was in any way legitimate, and artist Lisa Metz said as much.

“The fact of the matter is, there are countless professional scientific studies that show that wearing masks is beneficial in the fight against Coronavirus. Today we live in a distorted world,” said Metz in her artist’s statement. Her photography series, DETACHED: Embrace the Essential Worker, attempts to capture the way that masks can create an almost unreal elegance.

“My medium is perfect for expressing this new reality. DETACHED: Embrace the Essential Worker is a photography series that incorporates both elements of surrealism and portraiture with the aim to encourage people to welcome the new normal so we can return to the old normal,” said Metz.
The colours feel like a dream – a reminder that the last year has felt like some kind of fever dream. The photos feature glimmering, electric reflections of Metz’s subjects in masks. The photos serve as a bridge between the knowledge that masks are essential and the fact they can also be beautiful.
“I want my viewers to see my series as a reminder of why masks are so important and why we should continue to follow medical experts’ advice,” said Metz.