Residence Experience Returning to a New Normal

Residence Experience Returning to a New Normal

As UNB transitions back to in-person classes, residences at the university are once again full. For most, the residence experience is as expected.

The school year began with New Brunswick in the “Green Phase” of reopening. This removed all COVID restrictions in the province.

While provincial restrictions disappeared, some restrictions remained on UNB campus.

Lucas Savini is a law student living at an on-campus residence. He says the most noticeable difference in residence is the masking in the hallways.

“Outside of masking in the hallways, things are relatively normal.”

Residents are able to gather with other students living in apartments while still feeling safe. Savini notes that everyone in his apartment is vaccinated and they all have similar risk tolerances.

“If you aren’t comfortable being around certain people you still have the option to remain in your room which makes things less stressful,” he said.

Having roommates who are on the same page appears to be quite important to maintaining a peaceful household. It only takes one individual to engage in risky activities to expose the entire household to more risk than desired.

As cases in the province continue to rise, the situation in residence life may change drastically.

The “Steady 20” being reintroduced by the New Brunswick government does not have much impact on Savini but he does worry about stronger restrictions being imposed.

“It may be more challenging if more severe restrictions are imposed.”

For now, Savini is hopeful that residence life will remain largely unaffected by the recent surge in cases.


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